Friday, August 22, 2008

You know you live in cramped quarters when….

As we took a walk through the neighborhood in the rain, we walked by a house that was for sale. On the sign was an annoying extra sign saying 4 BEDROOMS. My seven year old stops splashing in the puddle beside the sign and turns to look at me. She says, “Look. THIS HOUSE HAS FOUR BEDROOMS!” She pauses with wonderment in her eyes. Since I don’t say anything she says, “We would all have our own room. And if you and Daddy still wanted to share… we could have a PLAYROOM!” Still hare, still share, of course you silly girl. I haven’t hit menopause yet!

The walk in the rain was a lot of fun. I no longer enjoy trampling through puddles but watching my girl brought back a lot of memories of when I did. :))))


Anonymous said...

That's really cute. Kids say the funniest things.

Thanks for visiting my blog!!

Unknown said...

lol I just love that she said that! Kids are so funny sometimes.