Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Gator is gone

The background: We are visiting South Texas for the summer. My husband is stationed here but since it is a "temporary" thing we didn't move from our San Diego home. No we packed the mini van and came to the fine coast here. Aren't all beaches the same? (ha, ha---the blood curdling scream of my seven year old has deafened me ..."No mommy, I mean a REAL BEACH.")
So anyway, at my husbands humble abode there is a pond/lake/mosquito breeding pool. Call it what you may. Well apparently everyone knows that there is an alligator who lives there. However, being that I am used to only areas that are populated by humans and coyotes--I thought my daughter and I were sitting on the hill/bank watching a rather large fish flail itself around in this said pool. That is until I saw two large eyes approaching. Then a snout appeared. Holy cow..."honey is that an alligator?" She replied, "cool let's go see." No, no we instead ran for our lives!!!

Well we were alarmed for no reason. He just wanted food. Huh? Yes you heard me. He just wanted food. It seems everyone around here fed him.

So let's get the facts straight: Alligator in water. People feed beast. Beast becomes nuisance. Fish and Wildlife must catch alligator.

Well it has been a few days since they took our gator away and it has broken the heart of a little five year old girl. She thought that the alligator would be too smart for the trap that the fish and game guys set. Everyday for the five days it was out there...she would peak out the door and say "I knew that alligator was too smart to fall for that."

Oh well, the show is over. I guess we'll have to go back to seeing alligator only on the arms of those ladies at the mall SoCal.

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