Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Perfect parents avert your eyes

It has come to my attention that our greatest source of entertainment is our children. Sure we can find humor and joy in other things like TV, movies, or tormenting customer service reps but nothing is the same as having two naïve children to come up with the craziest stuff.

Case in point. The hardest laugh I had all summer was a ranting or meltdown courtesy of our oldest daughter. It was bedtime and she wanted to take a tenth trip to the bathroom. I told her no and continued with the nightly routine. She then missed her turn in the nightly prayer which turned her ranting into an ear piercing screaming session. However, I was going to stick to my guns and not give in. So I turned out the lights and headed to bed myself to join my husband. This is the conversation we could hear from our bed:

AM1: Please, please let me go to the bathroom. I really need to go. You are not being fair. Why? Why? Why? Why won’t you let me go? Etc etc etc

AM2: (In her best supportive role) I don’t know why they won’t let you go. They are so unfair.

AM1: (still in hysterics) Why won’t they answer me? All I have to do is go to the bathroom.

This continues for twenty minutes…hysterics and then the calming voice of a 5 year old. My husband and I were enjoying this way too much. We got to hear what was going on in their minds as they try to figure out what we as parents could possibly be doing since we weren't catering to their demands. I've always wanted to be a fly on the wall in this situation and it was awesome. Of course we were asking ourselves if we should be intervening but the resounding answer was noway! We wanted to see how it turned out.


AM1: I think I hear them laughing. I don’t understand. All I needed to do was go to the bathroom.

AM2: I know honey. They are just mean. Just mean!

This continues for another 10 minutes. Poor little AM2 was totally out of comforting words. You could tell she was being worn down. Mean while we were still sticking to our guns. So:


AM 2: (tries to throw her voice while lowering it to mimic mine) Sure honey, this is mommy. You can go to the bathroom.

What was she thinking? Now that is entertainment!


Ann Harrison said...

Oh, this is so funny!
I found you through Mom Bloggers Club. And I'm so glad!

Erin said...

Thanks for the comment! Nice to be appreciated!