Thursday, October 30, 2008

Old Tricks

There are only conversations that can happen when a dad is around. Since my husband rolled into town Friday night things have definitely changed. As we are driving as a family he jokingly asked the girls if they would like to “pull his finger.” The girls don’t know this one and so the five year old says, “only if it clicks.”

Well I can’t let them go through life with such naivety so I said that if an old man wants them to pull his finger they should refuse because it will make him toot. The five year old was fascinated, like it was a cool mechanism how when you are an old man somehow your finger is wired to your backside. I quickly explained the true “mechanism”.

So guess what the popular pastime is around the house. Yep, it is good to have a dad around.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Back to Work

So my little AM 2 had the first audition of us being back into town. We were in the car by 9 am and off to Los Angeles. It has been five months since we’ve made the trek and there were a couple of things that I had forgotten. Those would be things such as… there is always traffic. It doesn’t matter that it is 10:30 am because you and a million of your closest friends are apparently all go to the same place. I also forgot how nerve racking it is driving through Hollywood with the fear of accidentally hitting a car that is worth more than your entire home. I also forgot how parking is a nightmare. Anywhere, anytime because this nightmare is not prejudiced. Lastly, I forgot how much I love L.A.---no I idea why but I do.

Back to the audition. It was in a home/studio in the Hollywood hills area. After fearing for our life on the drive to the top of some crazy hill, I had to help my children climb these horrific stairs up to this home. To boot, some of the stairs were loose and wobbly. I only wish someone were filming us hugging the rail up and down the flight. I’m sure from the street we looked like crazies but hey we made it out alive. The view was incredible but seriously haven’t these people heard of mud slides? That is literally too much living on the edge for me! I included pictures in case you don’t believe me.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Debate

So I had the TV on last night for the debates. We weren’t sitting in front of it but going about our evening business while it served as background. The girls were a lot more interested in it than I thought they would be and here is their assessments:

The 5 y.o.: He said Beverly Hills.(when Obama mentioned the words “presented a bill”)

The 7 y.o.: Why do you have to vote? Why don’t they just give whoever wants to be President a quiz and whoever does the best or finishes first wins.

Me: Because this is the United States of America and we have the right to choose.

The 7 y.o.: But my way is easier and faster.

My husband called today and asked if I watched the debate. I explained that sort of but that our 7 y.o. was really into it. She got on the phone and told him this: The guy with the white hair kept making funny faces at the other guy. I think the name of the guy with white hair is George Lopez.

By gosh isn’t it crazy that you must be to be 18 years old to vote. I think children would add a whole new dimension to the political process…it might actually be fun too. Imagine if the candidates had to appeal to kids---it would be fun to see John McCain in a Chuck E Cheese, am I right?

Monday, October 13, 2008


Someday I would one day like to meet the genius who thought up the idea that children should be taught so that their self esteem grows. Not sure if you are catching the sarcasm in my tone but believe me it is there. I understand that there are children in the world who don’t know they are loved or cared about and Mr. Rogers was definitely there for them and had them in thought. Why the attack? Because more often than not this is the typical conversation at my house:

Me: You are so lucky. I hate you.(talking to my 5 yr old. Joking of course and yep my five year old understands sarcasm.)

AM2: (laughing) You do not. You love me.

Me: I do love you. I love you to pieces.

AM2: I know. EVERYONE loves me.

Another example:

AM2: I love being me. Everyone wants to be me.

So do I seriously need to buy into this ego/superego or whatever it is? I think there is enough Humanism/Me”ism” in the world without making another beautiful “witch” that treats all us ordinary people like less thans! Just my theory.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Dinner conversation

Oldest daughter: Mommy, which Jonas brother is the cutest to you?

Me: I don’t really have a favorite. (I’m thinking how I could have given birth to these guys so that is totally ewwww.)

Oldest daughter: I know, I know but if you had to pick one.

Me: Ummm. I guess the middle one.

Oldest daughter: (snickering) You’ll have to talk to AM2(youngest daughter) about that.

Me: Why?

Youngest daughter: (bites into cookie) He’s mine Mommy. Back off

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Just a Theory

So my five year old is in the tub last night and I notice this rash on her belly. I start the inquisition of where, when, and how it got there. She pleads that she has no idea but needs something to make it better. Then she states, “I need Pro Active.”

Just to clarify, I don’t own this stuff nor does she know anyone else who does. This is where my theory comes to mind. As a child I always thought that when I wasn’t around or was sleeping that maybe, just maybe my toys came to life. (this was wayyyyy before Toy Story) They would move around and talk about me, etc. I’m sure I am not alone in this fantasy world. Well now that I’m an adult I have moved passed that. However, when I had children another theory emerged. This theory involved my babies sitting up in their cribs and talking. They would talk about how terrible their parents were and how they were going to torture us for the next sixty years. It seems that I may have proof now because apparently I have a five year old who wakes up in the middle night to catch the latest infomercial. I KNEW IT!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A Day at the Museum

I love Tuesdays in San Diego. Why? Because on a rotational basis the museums are free to residents. It has been a very long time since I’ve taken the girls. When they were little we used to go all the time—my successful attempts at wearing them out so they would sleep. However, due to school schedules and being out of town during summers it has been ages since we’ve been. This was a consideration when I wanted to homeschool. I felt like school was kind of getting in the way how my children learn best---the hands on method.

Anyway, it was a great time and I forgot how beautiful Balboa Park is. I love it there and it reminds me of why I love living where I do.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Back to normal???!!!

So I returned to my beloved home on Monday, hurray hurray. My girls are no longer under foot. We all have our own personal space but it isn’t all bliss my friends.
A. Had to leave my husband in Texas.
B. Had no TV channels.
C. Had no internet access.
D. Have no A/C and for some reason it is 3000 degrees here in Southern California

Not sure if you can spot the similarities… but dang it …that sounds a lot like camping! I don’t “do” camping and so this has been very interesting. The good news is that no one has died…i haven’t even had the urge to strangle my kids. This is a large step or maybe we are just still in a honeymoon period. Whatever the reason, I’ll take it.
Finally over the last three days, all the problems except for the first one have been alleviated—so now we are back at status quo.