Monday, October 13, 2008


Someday I would one day like to meet the genius who thought up the idea that children should be taught so that their self esteem grows. Not sure if you are catching the sarcasm in my tone but believe me it is there. I understand that there are children in the world who don’t know they are loved or cared about and Mr. Rogers was definitely there for them and had them in thought. Why the attack? Because more often than not this is the typical conversation at my house:

Me: You are so lucky. I hate you.(talking to my 5 yr old. Joking of course and yep my five year old understands sarcasm.)

AM2: (laughing) You do not. You love me.

Me: I do love you. I love you to pieces.

AM2: I know. EVERYONE loves me.

Another example:

AM2: I love being me. Everyone wants to be me.

So do I seriously need to buy into this ego/superego or whatever it is? I think there is enough Humanism/Me”ism” in the world without making another beautiful “witch” that treats all us ordinary people like less thans! Just my theory.

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