Thursday, December 18, 2008

Toothless Thursday

I want them to stop growing already!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Heat, rain and fever

So finally on December 15th I had to turn on the heat. It was only for a minute to take the edge off but I’m counting it as our official start of winter. The rain is also a sign of winter. It’s nice to sit here and not have to be out in it because as my children say, “People in California don’t know how to drive in the rain.”

I have officially lost the mother of the year award. I noticed yesterday how my little AM2 was coughing and hoarse but didn’t give it much thought. She didn’t eat a lot either but I figured it was all the junk she had a birthday party that maybe her calorie intake was sufficient. Then last night I heard her fussing on and off in her sleep. This morning she had a glassy look to her eyes but she was behaving normally, minus the cough of course. However, as I was helping her get dressed I asked her if she wanted me to take her temperature. Holy cow the stinking thing was 101. Oops. So yeah I took her more seriously and drugged her with ibuprofen. Now all is well. Let’s just hope she is the only one who holds on to this bug.

Monday, December 8, 2008

So This Is Christmas...

Saturday was the day I had promised the girls we would get our tree. Little did I know how warm it would be. So I thought we'd wait until night because then it should be cooler and feel more Christmasie. That theory had more holes than an OJ Simpson defense strategy. And there we were in our shorts and flip flops picking out our Christmas tree. Maybe someday we'll live in Maine and I'll be all, "kids remember that Christmas we picked out our tree and it was 70 degrees?"

We went smaller this year since my pregnant self and two munchkins had to drag it into the house. I was thankful my life wasn't a reality show because trying to get the darn thing to stand up was beyond comical. After wrestling with the tree and the stand for an eternity I decided to take a break. I needed to think through this engineering issue and it seems in this case no help would be beter than the help I was currently receiving.

Anyway it only took a day to get it to stand on its own and then decorate it. My recently turned six year old informed there was no way she was helping with the lights, "I'm an ornament girl only."

Sunday seemed to mock us. We woke up to a decidedly cooler and overcast day. As a matter of fact the little squirt thought it was cold enough to snow. Hmmmm..I don't think so. It was 65 degrees. We'll have to wait for that Christmas in Maine.