Monday, September 8, 2008

The tooth caper.

So we spent a few days in San Antonio. We hit Sea World and the Alamo which exhausted all of us.
On the way home we stopped and got something to eat—at a Texas establishment where you throw peanuts on the floor. We ordered the girls’ meals first because they were cranky and tiresome. After they finished eating, our food arrived and of course the girls were wanting to be held or cuddled. (Reason number one why we normally don’t order their food before ours.) Just as I bit into my ribs and were waiting for it to hit my stomach AM1 exclaims, “My tooth! Where did it go?” She frantically looks around and there is a big gap with blood oozing out. There goes my appetite. Now I am a nurse by profession however I was quite bothered by where this missing tooth could be, was it in my beans, ribs or fries? I mean the child was sitting directly across from me!
Well AM2 starts panicking too. She wants her big sister to get the payment she deserves from the tooth fairy. AM2 is my mud loving child. She slings it, she squishes and yes occasionally she eats it. Before I could even get any words out of my mouth, she is on the floor searching for the missing tooth. We are now developing an audience because let’s face it folks, there isn’t much in the way of entertainment in these parts. After a couple of minutes under a dark table AM2 shouts , “I found it. I found the tooth.” She comes up waving the thing and gives it to her sister.
Then AM1 ran to the bathroom to clean out her mouth. Then two seconds later AM2 followed after stating that she was an expert. They emerge. I pull out the camera phone and snap the picture. Then AM2 marvels that her tooth feels a lot like a peanut. Upon further examination, yup it was a peanut. I took her crowning glory picture with a peanut.
So then the search starts again for the tooth b/c AM1 needs to get paid! AM2 scoured the floor and found the tooth and yells loudly so everyone can hear, “ I know this one is the right one. It has blood coming out of it.” The love of a sister I guess.
In case you are curious, the picture is of AM1's peanut.

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