Thursday, September 11, 2008

Texas pays me back for bad mouthing.

So Tuesday my husband took my car in for an oil change and then filled it up with gas. We then packed the car until midnight. Wednesday my husband kissed me and the girls goodbye before heading off to work. Where are we going? We are running from Ike! We voluntarily evacuated the coast of Texas. Fourteen hours later, we arrived at my parents' house in Alabama. (wasn't ready to go home to California)

I felt like a weenie. I was busy running and on the other side of the road I saw the CNN news truck and hundreds of power/electric trucks heading toward the storm area. Maybe I'm not a weenie. Maybe they are crazy or just reluctantly doing their job.(like my husband who has to stay on a ship during the storm)

The girls traveled like champs. We didn't make it in until 2am and they had been asleep for 5 hours! They are really pros I tell you.

Now I somehow have to focus them on schooling and who wants to study at grandma's house? Especially when she lives where they can run freely without having to watch for cars!

So what have the girls done since their arrival? Well they have birthed a puppy and placed it next to the mama to suckle. (see picture)

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