Friday, January 9, 2009

The Birds and the Bees

It seems that my 7 year old almost got schooled today on the facts of life. I unwittingly observed the whole thing. There were these two 4th graders from the neighborhood school talking about some huge thing that had happened. One had played a prank on a third neighborhood girl and wrote a nasty note. The note said how this third girl was in bed with so and so boy and had sex. I’m not a hundred percent sure but I don’t think such things were on my mind when I was 9! My daughter wasn’t included in this conversation at first because she wasn’t old enough to hear it. Well duh. I’m not sure I am old enough to hear this conversation. So anyway when they decided to divulge some information to my daughter there was a teenage “supervisor” and when she realized that Ashlyn thought sex meant sexy she immediately halted the conversation. I didn’t know what was being said but I saw all the little pow wows happening and the exclusivity. I knew there was drama but had no idea the extent.

However, now I am left with the aftermath of trying to explain. Thankfully she doesn’t want to know about a lot of it. She doesn’t feel ready and so I take my cues from her. Who says homeschoolers don’t get socialization? This example shows they get plenty and drives home how I want all the children's “education” to come from me, not from the older/experienced kids. Yikes.

1 comment:

DonGuitar said...

When my girls were growing up we had a firm "All questions will be honestly answered". I also told them they could watch all the nudity they wanted (we had basic cable TV so that really wasn't a lot of nudity and this was pre-internet) but they were forbidden to watch violence. You can easily guess the result; they couldn't have cared less about nudity and spent endless energy attempting to clandestinely watch horror flicks.

You never know how you've done with raising your kids until they've grown up and have kids of their own. My three girls are all independent, assertive, confident, no-nonsense, successful adults (who love horror flicks). On balance, I guess I did ok.