Thursday, November 20, 2008

Preggo after 35

My blog has been suffering from my lack of energy due to me being preggers. However, now I am coming to the end of the first trimester and I am starting to come out of the fog. Not sure if it the fatigue was related to the pregnancy or the lack of caffeine. I sure have missed my coffee and what I wouldn’t do for a Starbucks run. Oh well, it’s for a good cause.

Today was actually my second OB appointment and I had decided to take the girls. I had left them with a friend the first appointment because I didn’t feel like explaining a pelvic exam. Good move. However, I forgot that I have a retroverted uterus and therefore I always warrant a pelvic ultrasound until I am 16 weeks since they never find my babies’ heartbeats with a Doppler. So yep, there I am with my girls and immediately I see the bazillion questions that are going to follow over the next several days. (They had already been snickering at all the posters on the walls.) So anyway, it was homeschooling at its best. Me, undressed from the waist down and then the Midwife pulls out the stirrups. You should have seen my girls’ eyes!!! The soon to be six year old kept asking, “Mommy is this torture?” What can I say? I fake my best nothing wrong here and just point to the monitor with the bouncing fetus. As I get ready to get dressed #1 asks, “Mommy can I put my feet in those thingies?” Um no. This has now become my worse nightmare.

Further proof of this is what happened yesterday. I was sampling my 7 year old’s milkshake and she was mortified. She stares at me with disgust and says, “Great! Now I’m going to be pregnant!”

A lot of explaining……

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