Thursday, July 31, 2008

My daddy is .....

So the girls are just now getting to the age where they are asking questions about what their dad does for a living. Words like ship, daddy has to leave for a long time, and engine room have always been in their vocabulary. Now though they have meaningful questions to ask. Just the other night A.M. 1 asked, “Daddy does the captain of your ship say ‘Aarrrrghh, me hardy?’” Since neither K nor I could answer because we were holding back the laughter she just chimes in another question. Because that is apparently you do when you are seven and no one answers. You just ask another poignant question like, “Daddy do you ever say ‘Land Ho?’”

Boy had we failed as parents. I thought they understood what daddy does. The girls seemed to be proud of their father and how he was a hero to some. They love the extra attention others bestow when he is deployed and that entitles them to being “special.” I guess this somehow has clouded their judgment and inflated what life onboard ship must be really like and so in their little feeble minds they have conjured up that daddy is a pirate. That explains the late night trips to our bedroom. They aren’t really having bad dreams and needing reassurance. They are searching for daddy’s wooden leg, parrot or eye patch.

To add insult to injury, I know must school these young minds. I thought I was dealing with geniuses and this home school thing was going to be a snap. Now I realize the major undertaking that I have bestowed upon myself. God give me strength!!!

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